I used to think “RELAXING”was a fancy word for being LAZY.
Now I know that RELAXINGis a key component of our Mental Fitness.
RELAXING creates spacefor seeing things a different way.
~ Coach Jane
If I want to feeltrue EMPATHY for others,
I need to work on true COMPASSION for myself.
…Less “no Pain, No Gain”…More “Relish the Effort.”
~Coach Jane
We are all connected;
To each other, biologically.
To the earth, chemically.
To the rest of the universe, atomically.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Hey, what about that turn signal?
I was driving to an early appointment the other day. I’m in the middle left lane of a 4-lane road. A big white SUV is in the far-left lane just ahead of me. No
I just came back from a 3-day getaway to do some hiking in Hocking Hills in southern Ohio. I figured that was socially distanced enough to be safe now that I’ve had the vaccine.
I walked through the woods, keeping
There really is a light at the end of this long dark tunnel we have been in since last March (2020). Covid-19 vaccines are rolling out (my 2nd shot scheduled for the end of the month! yeah!) and soon we
Little did I know that when I started my gratitude experiment last January, that it is the thing that would save me this year.
I started a daily gratitude practice to lift my spirits after my mother passed. I had
If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.
So, what are you getting done?
Have you ever had a big decision to make? How did you go about it?
At some point did you make a list of pros and cons, or some other logical analysis, that tipped you towards the answer the numbers pointed to?
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” Roy T. Bennett