Yes, I Want to See Your Messy Living Room!
Authentic and Genuine.
That is what I will miss.
When/if things ever go back to what we used to think was “normal” just a few months ago, back when Corona was only a beer.
Kelly Clarkson on The Voice, curled up in a big chair at her cabin in Montana, a glass of wine in hand, and little to no make-up on. I love it.
Saturday Night Live staff cobbling together three live shows—from home. Tom Hanks monologue from his kitchen. I love it.
Cats walking across your keyboard during a video call. The dog whining to be let out, or in. I love it.
The half-finished cereal bowl perched on the shelf behind you. A mess of kids toys in the background of your dining room/home office. I love it.
The signs of a whole life. A messy, doing–the–best–I–can, whole life. Raw and vulnerable.
Contrast the one–dimensional life we often show up with at work, where we strive mightily to put on the image of “having it all together,” leaving all our personal “issues” at the door. Now, gone are the power suits, stylists, complimentary lighting, neatly stacked desk in a pristine room.
As life slowly gets back to some new normal, I dread that we will forget the genuineness, the acceptance, the compassion, the connection that has come through as we’ve all tried to do the best we can from home.
Covid-19 stay–at–home has given us unique glimpses of each other’s whole life.
To experience people being distracted, overwhelmed, busy, bored, creative, resourceful.
Wearing sweatshirts and pajama pants, or tutus while dancing with a young daughter.
No make-up. Overgrown hair pulled back in a scrunchie or a little crooked from a self-cut.
Juggling work, home schooling, relationships, isolation, dinnertime, moods and anxiety in real time doing the best we can in the moment.
This is my leadership wish from this disruptive time…
I wish that as leaders, we always remember to encourage the genuineness, the whole big messy life of the people who we influence.
To eliminate the false choice between taking care of work OR taking care of home.
More compassion. More understanding. More communication.
I believe by embracing the whole life you will find higher effectiveness, engagement, and productivity.
What leadership lesson are you taking away from this transformative time?
Photo by: Phillip Goldsberry at Unsplash